🍴Are you an AI user?

3 tips for making the most of it.

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There’s a lot of talk about artificial intelligence (AI).

I’ll over-simplify things right now, but there are two governing camps:

  1. People who love AI.

  2. People who don’t love AI.

The people who love AI have accepted it and leaned into its potential.

The people who don’t love AI are convinced it’s a replacement for humanity and the skills we possess.


I land somewhere in the gray area.

There’s a time and place for everything - AI included.

Do I think it’s helpful? 100%.

Do I think it’s the answer to everything? Definitely not.

My stance is…


AI is a resource, not a replacement.

So, how can you start using AI to your advantage? Here are three starter tips:

1. Test different AI platforms.

There are plenty of AI platforms on the market.

Take some time and play around with the most common.

I use the obvious ChatGPT, but I’ve also tried Claude, and now I’m big into Perplexity.

Get a feel for each platform and find the one that works best for you and fits the bill of your needs.

And, most importantly, remember that AI isn’t always on the money. Make sure you cross-check the answers for accuracy.

2. Inputs influence outputs.

You get out what you put in.

That’s why you have to get good at prompt writing.

Here’s some general advice on how to write better ones:

  • Use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon or complex phrases.

  • Get specific. Instead of saying, “Write a blog, " add the target audience, industry, and length you want. Provide clear guidance.

  • You don’t like to multitask, and neither does AI. Focus on one prompt at a time.

  • Treat it like a conversation, not a command. You’ll feel more comfortable creating your prompts which can lead to better responses.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. A simple Google search for Best AI prompts for (end result/action/objective) can help get you on the right track.

3. Follow the right people.

When you need answers, you turn to an expert.

There are experts in every niche and industry. AI included.

These AI experts are constantly tinkering with the technology. They’re testing prompts, iterating, ideating, and synthesizing their findings for us.

Use their knowledge and expertise to inspire and influence how you use AI.

Sydney Stern Miller is one of my favorite people to follow and has positively shifted my perspective on AI.

From AI use cases in our personal and professional lives to image creation and everything in between, I view Sydney as the AI Queen đź‘‘

If you’re interested in using AI more and aren’t following her, I highly suggest you start!

All this to say, AI’s not going anywhere. So, you might as well get on board while the train’s still in the station!

I’m Curious…

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If you do, what’s your most common use case?