🍴Bathroom Talk 🪠

How a plunger sparked a marketing lesson.

Rita and I were in the bathroom.

She was brushing her teeth.

I was supervising.

And, just like any almost 5-year-old, she's full of questions.

With a mouthful of color-changing toothpaste, she pointed to the plunger next to the toilet.

Side note: It's not one of those old-fashioned ones with the red rubber and a wooden handle. It's a FaShIoNaBlE one from Target.

"What's that?"

"It's a plunger."

"What does it do?"

"It fixes clogs."

"What's a clog?"

I'll spare you the details of my answer.

BUT, conversations like these are a great reminder of the anticipatory nature of our marketing efforts.

We have to stay one step ahead of our audience.

I knew as soon as I said the word "clog" Rita's follow-up question would be asking what that means...

We can do the same for our customers.

It takes uncovering patterns, understanding their thought processes, and anticipating what they'll need next so they can take your desired action.