🍴Don't be a pain in the ads

Bad pun. Good advice.


An ad should be an appetizer, not a buffet.

- Lee Clow, Chairman and global director of TBWA\Worldwide

I love this quote.

When we think of ads, we think the main goal is the sale.

We’re not wrong. But it’s not that simple.

I’ve referenced it before, but my friend Jeff Swartz said, “You can’t buy coffee from a billboard.”

Meaning, you don’t make the transaction right then and there.

Ads get your attention, capture your interest, and, if done well enough, compel you to take action.

You lose people when you try to cram too much information at once.

They get frustrated because you’ve wasted their time and they see you as a pain in the ads (I think that name has legs, lol).

Keep your ads simple and focused.

If you’re in charge of writing ads for your brand or business, here are some things to consider:

  1. Engage their emotions.

“It’s just emotion that’s taken me over.”

The Bee Gees were talking about heartbreak, but still.

With ads, you want emotion to take over your audience and inch them closer to a transaction.

We’re all emotional beings.

When we feel something strong enough, we do something about it.

  1. People want proof.

Social proof can give your ads a boost.

Think about it.

When you’re making a purchase, would you buy the product with zero reviews or the product with thousands?

If I had to guess, the one with thousands?


Because those reviews are votes of confidence in the company and your decision to do business with them.

Find ways to add social proof in your ads, whether a snippet of a testimonial or user statistics.

Lean into the fact that, as humans, we’re influenced by others.

  1. Facilitate FOMO.

In recent years, I’ve swapped my FOMO (fear of missing out) for JOMO (joy of missing out) in my social life.

But when it comes to buying stuff, my FOMO is alive and well.

I hate missing out on a deal, and I’m sure you do too.

That’s why creating a sense of urgency, exclusivity, or scarcity in your ads can make a difference.

Use it sparingly, though.

If everything is time-sensitive, people will lose interest.

If everything is “members only,” people will feel pushed to the wayside.

If everything is “low in stock,” people will question the validity.

Moderation is key.

And, remember, motivate, don’t manipulate your audience into taking action.

Wouldn’t it be great to know your ad will perform well before you hit publish?

*Neurons enters the chat*

How to tell if your ads will perform before you spend any budget

Instead of crossing your fingers the next time you run ads, what if you would know your ad performance before you even go live?

With Neurons AI, you can.

It gives you quick, actionable recommendations to improve your creatives and maximize your ad impact. Run A/B tests before launch and tweak your visuals for maximum brand impact.

Global brands like Google, Facebook, and Coca-Cola are already using Neurons to boost their campaigns.

We're talking 73% increases in CTR and 20% jumps in brand awareness.