🍴How would you describe it?

It shouldn't be complicated.

If you met someone on the street and they asked, "What do you do for a living?"

What would you say?

How would you phrase it?

Now, think about this: why can’t you use that same explanation on your website?

When it comes to website copy, there’s this idea that if it’s not perfectly polished, it’s shouldn’t be published.

That’s why you see a lot of formal and typically stilted content.

But let’s be honest:

Would you say what’s on your homepage at a networking event or in a casual conversation?

Probably not.

Instead, you’d keep it simple, clear, and easy to understand—no need to overcomplicate.

You want to make it easy for people to get it.

Here are a couple of examples of brands that did a good job of this:


Basecamp homepage


See? They didn’t overcomplicate things with wordy jargon.

They got to the point and told you just enough, so you understand what they offer while keeping the door open for people to explore more.

Here’s a quick challenge for you:

  1. Set a timer for 5 minutes.

  2. Write down how you’d explain your business/services/product to someone who’s never heard of it.

  3. Compare it to your website.

Does it match? If not, it might be time for a refresh, starting with your homepage.

Once your homepage messaging is simplified, consider applying that simplicity to other areas, like your "About" page or service/product descriptions.

Remember: Clear messaging makes it easier for people to connect with your brand—and take action.

Need a second opinion? Hit reply and share your messaging with me. I’d love to help you refine it.