šŸ“Rotten Peaches

When produce produces a valuable lesson.

There was a sale on peaches.

So naturally, as a girl who loves sales and peaches, I went over to fill a bag.

I started looking through the display and accidentally picked up a few rotten ones. As I put them back, I noticed how they affected the ones around them.

And, it made me think..

Rotten peaches are like negative people.

They bring out the worst in those around them.

Thatā€™s why itā€™s so important to take a look at who you spend time with.


Be wary of the company you keep for they are a reflection of who you are, or who you want to be.

Think about it...

If you spend time with a person who is perpetually negative, youā€™ll slowly but surely notice that you're morphing into a negative person.

Likewise, if you choose to spend time with people who are motivated and optimistic, guess what... youā€™ll notice that you're motivated and have an optimistic outlook.

TLDR: Negative people, just like rotten fruit, spoil those around them.