🍴That race didn't go as planned

Where's the source of your marketing pain coming from?

The expletives running through my head would have made a sailor blush.

I was on the first mile of a half marathon, and the pain behind my knees felt like someone flicked open a pocket knife and stowed it away behind my kneecaps.

Every time I planted my foot, there was a stabbing pain.

I was a frequent flyer at the medic tent.

I didn’t plan for this to happen…

Anyone with knee troubles knows the pain’s not coming from the knee.

It’s coming from somewhere else.

In my case, it was my hips.

And much like marketing, when things are out of alignment, you start to feel the pain in different places.

Where's the referred pain coming from if your campaign’s missing the mark?

Is it your…

Posting strategy?
The idea as a whole?

Pinpointing the origin helps you address the problem and relieve the pain.

Here’s what you can do:

Dig into the data. 

Look at your metrics. How are your conversion and engagement rates? Are people clicking and taking action? Can you uncover any trends? 

Check your targets.

Your underperformance might be a signal you're targeting the wrong people on the wrong platforms. Refining your targeting options could unlock the success of your campaign. 

Be honest.

Is your content interesting enough? Is your offer compelling enough?

People need to be moved to act. 

Look at your copy and offer with an objective eye. Is it actually good? Or are you trying to force something on your audience? 

The more brutally honest you are with yourself, the better. 

Make strategic adjustments.

Instead of either scrapping or overhauling your campaign, make small adjustments. 

This gives you a better sense of what changes are creating positive change.

LinkedIn Prompt

Have you ever had a campaign that didn’t go as planned?

What went wrong?

What’d you do to make improvements?

Were you able to save the campaign?

Use your answers to write a LinkedIn post of your own!

PS Connect with me on LinkedIn if you haven’t already :)