🍴That's what she said

4 ways to use testimonials

Is the Dinner Party episode the greatest of all time?

If you thought of Michael Scott after reading the subject line, you’re my kind of people.

I’m not here to talk about innuendos.

I’m here to talk about testimonials…I mean, I could have emphasized a part of that word, but I didn’t. Because… I’m mature.

So, testimonials.

If you have them, use them!

Sure, you can talk about how great your company is.

But it’ll feel like when your mom hypes you up.

It’s nice, but…she has to say it.

When someone else sings your praises, people take notice.

That’s what testimonials/reviews do for a brand.

They’re the outside person with zero stake in the game, singing your praises to anyone with an ear.

How can you start using yours?

Here are four ideas:

Bucket testimonials based on sentiment.

HelloFresh did a great job of this. We used them for a while (I loved it! So easy and tasty). Then, I got pregnant with Rita and my food aversions took over.

Five years later, my mouth starts to water (not in the good way. The like I could gag way.) when someone mentions Beef Bulgogi….

Anyways, they sent me a direct mail piece asking me to come back. What I liked most was their usage of testimonials from people who stopped using them and came back.

It was relevant to me and spot on with my current relationship with the company.

Look at your reviews.

Do you see common themes?

Do you have reviews that address common pain points?

Bucket and use them for specific campaigns.

Include them on your website’s homepage.

Your homepage is the first impression. Testimonials give you some credibility that might make them click around on your site more. I suggest placing them below the fold. You want the info above the fold to be about the benefits readers will get from working with you.

Sprinkle them into your organic social posting schedule.

I think you can post a testimonial whether it’s a static quote image or video to your feed once a month. A little chest-pounding never hurt anybody.

Include them in blog posts/email campaigns

Copywriting is an argument.

Marketers are tasked with the job of sharing the evidence of why people should do business with them.

Whenever possible, strengthen the case you’re making in a blog or email with relevant testimonials.